Established in 2017, Terrible Games is a collective of imaginative minds, kindred spirits, and gaming enthusiasts driven by a shared mission to redefine the world of tabletop gaming. That vision shines in our boundary-pushing releases, including the innovative and tactical Token Terrors Battlegrounds (2020), Repugnant The World's Most Disgusting TTRPG (2022), and the breathtaking horror survival game, Black Mold (2023).
With an unwavering commitment to crafting remarkable board games that ignite the imagination and captivate players, Terrible Games invites you to embark on gaming experiences that reward exploration and study, while fostering a sense of community and connection. Embracing the DIY spirit, our striking art and unconventional themes serve as a testament to our dedication to creating visionary and thoughtfully crafted games.
Collaborating with talented partners worldwide, Terrible Games is continuously evolving, offering fresh and novel releases that leave an indelible mark on the gaming landscape. Join us as we celebrate what it means to play, discover, and immerse yourself in the joy of tabletop gaming.
3D Rendering & Video Production
Creative Director & Game Developer
Editor & Game Developer
Finance Director
Art Director
Editor & Game Developer